monday coffee: California edition

  • Zoe Lofgren joins Barbara Boxer and Diane Feinstein supporting Phil Angelides for Governor in 2006.
  • My Left Wing has an excellent diary on immigration as a wedge issue in the 2006 elections with a focus on California.
  • From a Sacramento Bee article reporting that GOP insiders are pushing for Arnold to announce that he's running in 2006.
    "...if the governor doesn't run and we lose the governor's office and we've just put a chunk of change down to screw the unions and the Democrats and everything else on all these issues, we're going to pay a penalty with the Legislature if there's a Democratic governor. And it's going to cost us double that to get back in good with the Democratic leadership."

    -Ken Kachigian, GOP strategist

  • Ken's a straight shooter, alright, he's just missing a few toes.

    Meanwhile the New York Times has this profile of Vacaville activist Cindy Sheehan up today..


    Anonymous said…
    right on... thanks for the MLW link.


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