this is kid oakland blog

(or, as you can see above....k/o...for short.)

My name is Paul and I live and work and write in Oakland, California. I've been writing as kid oakland since the first days of scoop at (2003) and you may know me from there, or from my participation at blog communities like booman tribune or MyDD. However it may be that you've found your way here...welcome!

Think of this blog as a place to find writing on politics and culture from one progressive writer's point of view. I try to keep the content here fresh and the links reflective of the best writing and voices available on the net. Topics of interest include: local and regional blogging, electoral politics, national and international news stories mixed with essays and links on music and culture. If you liked my essays on dailykos, you'll find pieces like them here and links to other writers who work in a similar way.

Simply put, k/o is a place to find writing by me, kid oakland, as well as the occasional guest post, all in one place, and links to a whole lot more.

Your comments and tips are always welcome. Your readership is very much appreciated.


Paul / kid oakland

Contact me:

Site content published under a Creative Commons license. All citations and links on this site are made in the spirit of fair use to promote and comment on the work cited, with a link to the original whenever possible. Comments are subject to moderation.


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