the zeros: the cobra snake

Okay, I am stealing this from the L.A. Times front it's hardly fresh...and, as usual, I'm the last to know...

but check out this website....called It's just party pictures. But as party pictures go; it's a sign o' the times.


kid oakland said…
Cheesy note...soon after I posted this we got hit with an earthquake.

It was pretty much, uh, right below my house. Which tends to happen on the Hayward. Definetly heard it, felt it, and was mildly...very mildly...shaken. Like someone bumped into my chair with their chair.

2.5 = not much to write home about.
kid oakland said…
Nah, unkempt facial hair, a cool t-shirt and a beer...

Or...alternately...some American Apparel threads.

Seems like merely "cool kidz" stuff...but read the mission statement.

Hmmm. Something happening here.

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