Cartel of Defiance

Cartel of Defiance is a group blog that mixes political and cultural observation oftentimes by quoting texts by other people. With a few others, I'm an occasional contributer...but awol and wendellgee do the heavy lifting.

Awol has a really interesting post up's a simple transcript of three moments of political speech. As you think about it, however, you realize that the "slip of the tongue" awol caught and preserved for the also the byproduct of GOP talking points delivered straight through our TVs by supposedly "neutral" public figures like David Gergen and Tim Russert.

Hint to Sunday Morning Talk Shows: you've reached a new low when your delivery of GOP innuendo is so rote and careless...that you can't even figure out which prominent African-American Congressman you're demonizing.


kid oakland said…
By the way I do support Ron Dellums for Mayor of Oakland....

Ron is the guy David Gergen thinks is still in Congress...

and I'll be writing about his candidacy soon.

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