Netroots Resource list of Vulnerable GOP Incumbents

For those of you interested in picking a local race and writing about it from now till election day, I've created a list of races where your input can make a difference. Despite the title, the list includes some Democrats who are running for open seats or in races where they are the main focus. As it stands, however, this list is long on opposing vulnerable GOP incumbents because that's where we start to take Congress back.

This list is broken down by region and focused on races where we are within striking distance but are not anywhere near the "sure thing" mark. Your help can make a difference. The links are to google blog searches of the names of the candidate or incumbent. Google blog search is a potent tool that complements Technorati. (If you are a local blogger you should ping both of these great tools.)

You can use the following links for more information and to hook up with local blogs that are taking the fight to the GOP. You can also track how much is being written in the netroots about these races and pitch in where we need help.

Western Region:

  • Heather Wilson (GOP Incumbent, NM-01, opposed by Democrat Patricia Madrid)
  • David Reichert (GOP Incumbent, WA-08, opposed by Democrat Darcy Burner)
  • Jon Porter (GOP Incumbent in NV-03)<
  • Jack Carter (Dem, US Senate, NV)
  • JD Hayworth (GOP Incumbent, AZ-05)
  • Ed Perlmutter (Democratic Candidate CO-07 Open Seat)
  • Elton Gallegly (GOP Incumbent, CA-24)
  • Debra Bowen (Democratic Candidate for California Secretary of State)
  • Ted Kulongoski (vulnerable Democratic Governor of Oregon)
  • Gabrielle Giffords, Patty Weiss and Jeff Latas (Democrats running for the open seat in AZ-08)
  • Dennis Rehberg (GOP incumbent Montana At Large)
  • David Dreier (GOP, CA-26, lean GOP district, tough one)
  • Jim Ryun (GOP, KS-01) or, the longer shot effort by Dem John Doll in KS-02 (h/t Scout Finch).

  • Midwestern Region:

  • Mark Kirk (GOP Incumbent in IL-10)
  • Deborah Pryce (GOP Incumbent in OH-15)
  • Pat Tiberi (GOP Incumbent OH-12)
  • Joseph Knollenberg (GOP incumbent MI-09)
  • Claire McCaskill (Democratic Candidate for US Senate, MO)
  • Tom Latham (GOP, IA-04)
  • Amy Klobuchar (Democratic Candidate, US Senate, MN)
  • Gil Gutknecht (vulnerable GOP incumbent, MN-01)
  • Chris Chocola (vulnerable GOP incumbent IN-02)
  • Bruce Braley (Democrat running for the open seat in IA-01)
  • Paul Ryan (GOP, WI-01, tough one)
  • Thaddeus McCotter (GOP, MI-11, another tough one)
  • Steve Chabot (GOP Incumbent in OH-01)

  • Eastern Region:

  • Curt Weldon (a vulnerable GOP incumbent in PA-07, opposed by Joe Sestak)
  • Jim Walsh (below-the-radar GOP incumbent in NY-25)
  • Frank LoBiondo (GOP incumbent in NJ-02 feeling the heat now)
  • Jim Saxton (GOP, NJ-03)
  • Paul Hodes (running against GOP incumbent Charlie Bass, NH-02, h/t Miss Laura)
  • Tim Murphy (GOP, PA-18)
  • John McHugh (GOP, NY-23)
  • Charles Dent (vulnerable GOP incumbent, Pennsylvania's 15th CD)
  • Deval Patrick (Dem Candidate, Governor MA, h/t dnta)
  • Nancy Johnson (vulnerable CT incumbent GOP Congresswoman, CT-05)
  • John Bonifaz (Dem voting rights champion for MA Secretary of State)
  • Jeb Bradley (NH-01, another vulnerable notheastern GOP incumbent)
  • Phil English (under-looked at GOP incumbent in PA-03)
  • Melissa Hart, (GOP incumbent in PA-04)
  • Shelley Moore-Capito (the GOP West Virginian Congressperson, deserves our attention)

  • Southern Region:

  • CW Bill Young (GOP incumbent in Florida-10)
  • Clay Shaw (GOP, getting a run for his money in FL-22)
  • Robin Hayes (GOP incumbent, NC-08 v Dem Larry Kissell)
  • Democrat Jim Webb v. GOP George Allen for US Senate in VA (h/t Delicate Monster)
  • MZM encrusted Republican Congressman Virgil Goode in VA-05
  • Charles Taylor (GOP incumbent in NC-11, hot race)
  • Mike Rogers (little known GOP Congressman in Alabama-03)
  • Thelma Drake (a GOP incumbent in VA-02 who I really hope gets some attention)
  • And three longer shots....Erik Fleming, (Dem Candidate for US Senate in MS)
  • Steve Sinton (Democratic Candidate for Congress, Georgia)
  • Anne Northup (the incumbent GOP Rep from KY-03, more Conservative than district by a mile)
  • Comments

    Keener said…
    I really have to say that Paul Hodes can beat Charlie Bass. We just need the buzz, and we're almost there.

    If you are in NH-02 and can cover the Bass/Hodes race, the 3 blog blogswarm we have (,, and can drive significant traffic to you overnight. We all read and crosslink to each other's blogs, steal ideas off one another, and expand on them etc.

    I guess what I'm saying is we have the groundwork in place, let us know if you're joining NH-02 and we'll link you in, and you will immediately have readers, local readers.
    Keener said…
    Sorry, one other thing, for al races that have blogs -- if you can't write a blog for your district, find one that is and LEAVE COMMENTS. Comments are what show the average person these campaigns have momentum, and momentum attracts momentum. SO please, even a "Right on. Dump Charlie Bass, and up with Hodes!" sort of comment REALLY helps...
    kid oakland said…

    I couldn't agree more with both of your points.

    You get it. My sense is that not only do we need to encourage people to blog locally, but we have help teach people how blog effectively and empower them to do so.

    Keener, you and any local blogger who reads this should email me at kidoakland"at"comcast"dot"net...

    First because I'd like to hear how things are going...

    and Second, because I'm focusing on doing my small part in getting you all some tools and allies out there.

    Finally, yes to comments, even simple ones. Even comments from the local whiner contrarian who is complaining about your blog...all of it is good.

    The point is to create something that becomes a focal point and hone it every week until election day.

    Be in touch.

    paul / kid oakland
    yankeedoodler said…
    Thanks for your emphasis on local blogs, k/o.

    I agree that local blogs are the next generation in effective political organization and influence (well, there have always been local blogs, but now there is a dim but growing perception that there needs to be one for every race).
    Adina said…
    Hi there. What can we-the-grassroots do to help with the Bowen candidacy? She really gets the need for auditable voting systems -- how can we help promote this downballot race?

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