Dennis Kucinich on the Hydrocarbon Law

This blurb from the Hill sums up the state of Congressional oversight of the role of US oil companies in Iraq:

Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D-Ohio), a fervent Iraq war opponent and dark horse presidential candidate, claimed an hour of floor time Wednesday to criticize Iraq’s hydrocarbon law. Kucinich argued that the proposed law would privatize Iraqi oil. [snip] “We must not be a party to any attempt by multi-national oil companies to take over Iraq’s oil resources,” he said.

His declarations went largely ignored. No one sought to intervene, and when he was done, the House quickly moved to a non-controversial bill revising the boundaries of The Carl Sandburg Home National Historic Site.

State of the debate.

Actually, the Iraq hydrocarbon law is an active subject of concern almost everywhere else in the world (including the board rooms of major US oil corporations) except the floor of the United States House of Representatives.

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