Senator Jim Webb and Iraq

I wrote a piece on dailykos last night with the title: Make Jim Webb the point person on Iraq.

It's generated a huge groundswell of comments and support for that idea in one form or another. One interesting thing to note is the poll. I asked kossacks, a very decided Democratic activist subset, this question, with the following results:

Making Senator Jim Webb the Democratic point person on Iraq is:

A great idea that I enthusiastically support: 831 votes / 87%
An idea I support, but with reservations: 99 votes / 10%
Not an idea I support at this time: 23 votes / 2%

You can check out the poll results and discussion at this link. I think it's a pretty interesting indicator of this political moment, even factoring in the obvious biases of a poll on dailykos.

People like how Jim Webb communicates about Iraq. That's something to think about.


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