netroots, grassroots and blogs united
A couple weeks ago I did the following rough work-up analysis on a dry erase board at a meeting of California bloggers. I'd like to expand on that analysis here so that folks nationwide might be able to use/debate/add to these insights. I hope you find them useful. W hen wearing our "blogger strategy" thinking caps, it's crucial to break down the political playing field and understand the different zones that folks are working in. From a blogger's point of view, we can break down the U.S. political playing field into three broad categories, or zones. I'll cover them in reverse order, as I did on the dry erase board, micro to macro, from Zone C to Zone A :: Zone C: The Democratic grassroots and local political environment The Democratic grassroots, or Zone C, is everything that happens politically offline. It is the micro political environment . Included in Zone C are Democratic clubs. Democratic State and County Committees. Advocacy and community organizations...