Bloggers United

I've made this call out before, but now that it's election season, I'd like to ramp it up: you are welcome to join the DFA-link group I moderate called Bloggers United.

There's about 70 of us right now from all over the country, with new people joining pretty much every day. DFA-link is an "organizing tool" in progress...but it's cool because it has social networking and organizing components. I like it because it's also a very open and trustworthy platform to welcome people from. Democracy for America is a known quantity.

If you are a local blogger interested in joining up, just send me an email with this information:

An email that you're okay with receiving group emails at.
Your blog, or where you blog at.
The name you want to go by. (ie. Your own or a handle)
Your state.

And I'll send you an invite to join DFA-link and Bloggers United.

If you just have questions, that's cool too.

You can reach me at kidoaklandactivism"at"comcast"dot"net.


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