Bloggers United
I've made this call out before, but now that it's election season, I'd like to ramp it up: you are welcome to join the DFA-link group I moderate called Bloggers United.
There's about 70 of us right now from all over the country, with new people joining pretty much every day. DFA-link is an "organizing tool" in progress...but it's cool because it has social networking and organizing components. I like it because it's also a very open and trustworthy platform to welcome people from. Democracy for America is a known quantity.
If you are a local blogger interested in joining up, just send me an email with this information:
An email that you're okay with receiving group emails at.
Your blog, or where you blog at.
The name you want to go by. (ie. Your own or a handle)
Your state.
And I'll send you an invite to join DFA-link and Bloggers United.
If you just have questions, that's cool too.
You can reach me at kidoaklandactivism"at"comcast"dot"net.
There's about 70 of us right now from all over the country, with new people joining pretty much every day. DFA-link is an "organizing tool" in progress...but it's cool because it has social networking and organizing components. I like it because it's also a very open and trustworthy platform to welcome people from. Democracy for America is a known quantity.
If you are a local blogger interested in joining up, just send me an email with this information:
An email that you're okay with receiving group emails at.
Your blog, or where you blog at.
The name you want to go by. (ie. Your own or a handle)
Your state.
And I'll send you an invite to join DFA-link and Bloggers United.
If you just have questions, that's cool too.
You can reach me at kidoaklandactivism"at"comcast"dot"net.